Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Recreational Golfer's Facebook Page

You read my blog twice a week, but did you know The Recreational Golfer posts every day* on a Facebook page?

Every day,* you get a few lines on what crosses my mind about play, practice, observations, musings, and questions to you about your golf.

If you were a follower, you would have read things such as:

- The key to a good golf swing in two words -- effortless efficiency. (October 11)

- The plainest, most unadorned golf course is a better place to be than the most beautiful bowling alley. (September 20)

- When I was a kid, I had a little golf course in my back yard. There were tin cans buried in the ground for holes. All I could think about was getting the ball in the hole. I doesn't hurt to be that single-minded even today. (September 24)

Please do three things.

First, click the Facebook button on the top right of this page (but not right yet).

Second, click the Like button on the Facebook page and visit every morning. I'll have something new for you every day. (you know)

Third, participate! Please add your comments to the Facebook posts. They create a commons where we can learn from each other, and share the joys we get from playing this wonderful game.

O.K. Now you can click that icon, or right here, click the Like button when you get there, and we can start talking to each other. Every day.

* (or pretty near)

Visit www.therecreationalgolfer.com

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