Sunday, December 13, 2015

The 120 Golf Swings Drill

To get better at swinging the golf club, you have to swing it a lot, the right way. This drill, more than any other, meets that need. It comes from my first book, Better Recreational Golf.

You're going to swing the club 120 times, in five sets of twenty swings, each set different from the last.

Start out with twenty normal golf swings. You'll be hitting a ball only every tenth swing. Step away and set up before every swing. It might take you three minutes to complete a set. The entire exercise takes about twenty minutes.

For swings 21-40, swing with your left arm only. Swings 41-60 are your normal swings again. Swings 61-80 are right arm-only swings. Swings 81-100 are two-handed, but with your feet together, heels touching. The final set, swings 101-120, is back to your normal swing.

The one-armed swings teach you what that arm does in the swing. It will also help you strengthen your right arm when you do that set. The point of the feet-together swings is to teach you how to move your upper and lower body together.

It is very important that in any set you swing the same way every time. Do not go trying different things with each swing. Swing the same way. This exercise teaches you how to repeat one swing, not to have 120 swings to choose from.

Use the same club for the entire drill. If there's a club you're having a problem with, this drill is great for getting that straightened out.

Do this exercise twice a week. Believe me, it will smooth out your swing and make it repeatable without your having to think about it when you play.

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